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Newspaper Diabetas
The newspaper of the Lithuanian Diabetes Association
No 3 (39) August 10, 2003

Eli Lilly - the general sponsor.
Abbott Medisense representatives "Abovita", Berlin-Chemie / Menarini Pharma group, Canderel, Interlux, Limeta, Roche Diagnostics representatives "Eksmos MTC", Novo Nordisk, Wörwag Pharma GmbH&Co KG support the newspaper.

Page 1

The 4th Meeting Of Baltic States Diabetes Associations

“Together We Are Stronger”

6-7 June, 2003, Druskininkai, Lithuania


Lithuanian Diabetes association initiates Baltic States Diabetes Associations Conferences since 1998. This year during 6 - 7 June the second stage of these meetings was begun. Over 50 representatives of Lithuanian and Latvian diabetes organizations participated in the conference. Guests from International Diabetes Federation and Cyprus Association for People with Diabetes took part there as well as Minister of Health of Republic of Lithuania , doctors, representatives of pharmaceutical companies and press.


At the beginning of the conference Druskininkai Diabetes Club “Atgaja” congratulated all the participants and presented an activity of their club. The musical congratulation was prepared by the chief of the club Jelena Simoniene. The President of Lithuanian Diabetes Association presented guests of the conference, mentioned the use of such meeting tradition and invited participants to co-operate in an active manner in order to share an experience. The main aims of the Conference were formulated. They were: to inform each other about activities of diabetes associations during the period from 2001; to inform about the role of associations in State health care system; to inform about the status of National diabetes program. The President of LDA emphasized the meaning of prevention of type 2 diabetes and its’ complications; the awareness of society; education of people with diabetes; availability of insulin, drugs and other means for diabetes control; collaboration with local and State government.


The President of Cyprus Diabetes Association Dina Constantinides congratulated the participants of the Conference and thanked for opportunity to participate there. The activity of LDA and its’ President Vida Augustiniene was evaluated very well as in Lithuania as in International Diabetes Federation. D.Constantinides shared her experience about her 8 year old daughter who has diabetes and said she want use an experience by others with such problems. She informed that in Cyprus people with diabetes can get the medicine of the highest quality and free of charge. The means for self-control is unlimited and people are taught to manage their illness properly. She was happy that Cyprus State institutions maintain the activity of Association.


Minister of Health of Republic of Lithuania Juozas Olekas informed that Health Ministry together with pharmaceutical companies intensively discuss on diminishing the prices for medicine provided to Lithuania. This is to create a possibility to acquire the medicine cheaper. Minister was happy for public organizations solving problems of patients as well as chiefs of States or government. International experience we can share is very important. Sometimes mistakes can be avoided in such a way. Minister reminded about the immediate visit of Latvia and Poland health ministers to Druskininkai. The questions of improving health care are going to be discussed. The means for people with different illnesses to get qualified medicine are going to be found during the meeting of Health Ministry, public organizations and pharmaceutical companies.


It is pleasant to know that the Minister heard the most important reports by the Vice-president of IDF, the Elect President of IDF Europe Region, the President of Netherlands Diabetes Association Dr. W. H. J. M. Wientjens and the Vice-president of Lithuanian Diabetes Association Juozas Danilevicius. They were speaking about situation of diabetes control and future plans in this area.


Dr. W.H.J.M.Wientjens thanked Vida Augustiniene for possibility to participate in the Conference of Baltic States Diabetes Associations and Press conference in Health Ministry. He stated that participation of Health Minister in the Conference shows the meaningful role of national diabetes association in State’s health system.

The mission of the IDF is to work with it’s member associations to enhance the lives of people with diabetes. Wim Wientjens provided an information about an alarming rise in diabetes all over the world ant the aims and tools for prevention of illness, its’ complications and invalidity. He told about the nearest plans of Dutch Diabetes Association and IDF Europe Region. 655 million people live in IDF Europe Region. 22.5 million of them have diabetes. 56 members of Europe Region represent 41 states. One of members is Lithuanian Diabetes Association.


Prof. Juozas Danilevicius during his speech about status of National Diabetes Program of Lithuania remembered that Minister of Health J.Olekas signed the first National diabetes program in 1991. This program improved the care of people with diabetes very much. Co-operating with government of Denmark and pharmaceutical companies the centers of diabetes education were funded, children got human insulin and self-control tools. During that period the compensation for diet was confirmed. Now it is going to be stopped by government. J.Danilevicius regret that contemporary health reform distroyed many achievements. J.Danilevicius appealed to Health Minister and reminded the priorities of State Health Program and means of realization of them. He encouraged Health Ministry to co-operate with LDA. Strategy questions of diabetes control must be discussed together with all health institutions. The decisions must be legalized in a new State diabetes program.


Health Ministry consultant and the chief of Vilnius (Lithuania) University Santariskes hospital endocrinology department Dr. Saulius Grigonis presented the new methods healing diabetes. He was happy there is an ability to get free of charge health care and qualified medicine (insulin and tablets) in Lithuania. It is hopeful to get the most contemporary medicine (Insulin Lantus, tablets Avandia, etc.) in the nearest future ant to have them inserted to the list of compensated medicine. Still there are many problems in diabetes control. It is necessary to have enough diagnostic strips for blood glucose control. Patients must be educated to control their illness.


The Vice-president of Latvia Diabetes Federation Lolita Bredermane shared her experience about diabetes and its’ complications prevention. The program of diagnosing diabetes and its’ complications is prepared according to St. Vincent declaration recommendations. Latvian Diabetes Association actively reacts to intentions of Latvia government to limit compensations for medicine and self-control means; it organizes the actions of diabetes prevention, conduct prophylactic blood glucose tests, spread the literature, publishes a journal “Saule (The Sun)”. There are many centers of diabetes foot care in Latvia. Each year in August all people with diabetes meet to communicate and see the opera “Diabetes”, were “birds” are singing. She invited to see this performance.


The member of council of Latvian Diabetes Association Inese Cimmermane evaluated changes in diabetes care and efforts to improve it since 2001. The list of compensated medicine was reviewed and enlargged, patients are able to achieve all the newest medicine and means of self-control. It is a pity that a part of changes are harmful for people suffering from complications. Some medicine is compensated by 75% instead of 100%, medicine for lipid are compensated only by 50%. Since 1st December 2002 diagnostic strips are compensated only by 50% and only for patients who use insulin. All the patients got them free before. Insulin pump is not compensated at all. Doctors have limited rights to prescribe a necessary medicine and self-control means. The budget for diagnostic care and consultations is limited. The state devote too little budget for health care. The medium income in Latvia is 200 $, medium pension is 98.7 $, medium means for substance is 143.62 $. According to USO data Latvia is the 53 state in the world by means of subsistence. Because of little material support the life of patients is constantly decreasing, diabetes and its complications are increasing.

Latvian Diabetes Association actively stands for patients’ rights informing state and society about diabetes. It takes part in different work groups making decisions, spreads information by press, radio and TV. Since 1993 it organizes World Diabetes Day, publishes a bulletin “Mes ir diabetas (We and diabetes)” and other booklets. Since 2003 people with diabetes can legally get Drivers License.

Still there is not National diabetes program in Latvia. Association constantly encourages Government to prepare such a program and to fund National Committee of St. Vincent declaration as well as work groups for improving diabetes care. There is lack of program and money, that’s why little attention is played to diabetes prevention. Every year from 1.4 to 7.7 % of people after prophylactic tests are diagnosed to have diabetes.


The chief of Latvian Diabetes Association Jelgava department Liudmila Borzaja shared her experience of diabetes education. Members of department are on duty in the office 2 days per week; help telephone is constantly on; psychological help is provided. People come to check their blood prophylactic. During 2002 year 255 people came and 11 of them were found to have diabetes. An organization has a constant contact with representatives of Jelgava government and do the public educational work.


The chief of Valmiera (Latvia) diabetes community Alfreds Leitis told about the contacts with the local government institutions. The center “Strategy” at Valmiera local government helps to public organizations. It manages different projects. It organizes a day meeting center for pensioners as well. The center is supported by local government. An informational work group at social helping center unites 13 organizations. The group regularly meets once in two weeks to discuss important questions and present them to local government for further discussion. Recently the representatives of this group took part in the sitting of Latvia Parliament and presented requires. In the town with 60 000 citizens endocrinologist have a practice. His consultations are free. In the pedicure cabinet people with diabetes have a discount.

The chief of Liepoja (Latvia) Diabetes Association Ritma Malinovska emphasized that 4 nurses work in association. Prophylactic tests of blood glucose are conducted 2 times per week. There are many lectures by different specialists. Drug stores, institutions of health care, educational center and different companies support association. Still, patients partly pay for services for themselves. There is lack of budget for spreading information.


Dr. Egle Rudinskiene from Lithuanian Diabetes Association told about diabetes school, funded in 2000 and supported by Novo Nordisk. During 2001 - 2002 the main sponsors of this school were Council for the Affairs of Disabled at the Government of Lithuania and embassy of Switzerland. 2003 - Council for the Affairs of Disabled at the Government of Lithuania. Abovita, Eksmos MTC, Interlux, Novo Nordisk support the school as well. The meaning of education was explained by ex - president of IDF Maria L de Alva: “Diabetes education is the key to good diabetes care. The door separates life and death.” Dr. E.Rudinskiene evaluated the results of a study of education people with type 2 diabetes, conducted in 2001. She provided a data about people education during 2000 - 2003 period. She emphasized a lack of patients’ knowledge on the main questions of diabetes control. An evaluation of summer diabetes camps was provided.


Vida Augustiniene reviewed an activity of Lithuanian Diabetes Association during last three years. She was pity that contemporary health reform heavily restricted patients’ rights to the proper health care. The organization was compelled to all institutions of government, even to organize protest meetings, in sake to prevent the limits of compensated medicine, which made not available medical care and services for most people. The situation worsening is stopped at the moment. Still, there are many questions to solve for patients, health care specialists, pharmaceutical companies and officials in common strengths.


The State pays too little attention to prevention of illness, their complications and invalidity. Education of people with diabetes does not take place because of lack of valuation of services of diabetes nurses and foot specialists’ in health institutions. After the limits of compensated medicine and services were not available. The qualified medicine became hardly available to patients especially those socially supportable. Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed overdue. While occur health reform the abilities to get consultation of specialists became worse, thus hard complications became more often. 800 - 900 cases of invalidity are established each year because of diabetes complications. During prophylactic blood glucose tests in LDA from 7% to 17% of tested people are found to have a higher rate of indexes as normal. People are offered to get a medical survey as soon as possible.


During last 3 years Association moved to the new premises; the 4th Congress of LDA took place; education camps for children and youth took place every summer; the educational conferences for the chiefs of collective members of LDA were organized each year; an information was spread by press, radio and TV. Meetings, conferences and seminars in diabetes clubs and communities were constant. An activity of the organization was presented during International and local conferences and exhibitions. The experience and information about patients’ problems was delivered during medics’ conferences, in the meetings at the Seimas (Parliament) of Republic of Lithuania, in the institutions of medicine and education. Representatives of LDA participated in the meetings of Health ministry and State patients’ fund work groups, where urgent patients’ questions were discussed. The newspaper “Diabetes” and different brochures on urgent questions for people with diabetes and society are constantly published. Implementing the main aims of St. Vincent declaration, Health passport “Diabetes” is prepared and published.


LDA initiated the official foundation of Council of Representatives of Lithuanian Patients’ Organizations (CRLPO). 16 representatives of other hard illnesses’ organizations are united in this Council at the moment. Together they achieved an addition included in LR Health Insurance low. It states that one representative of patients’ organizations must be enlisted to the Council of Obligatory Health Insurance. Representatives of this organization are invited to discuss urgent patients’ questions in Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, National health Council at the Seimas, Health Ministry, State Patients’ Fund and broadcasts of radio and TV. In 2002 the Council prepared offerings on improving health care system discussed them with the President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus and Minister of Health Juozas Olekas.


On January 30, 2003, during the sitting of the Ministry of Health the new council of Obligatory Health Insurance was confirmed. The president of LDA and the chief of CRLPO became a member of this Council. On January 13, 2003, she was confirmed to be an expert in the Committee of Health in Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.


The chief of Anyksciai (Lithuania) diabetes club Antanas Slizys shared the experience of co-operation with the local government. He is happy and thankful to local government for not being indifferent to the livers of this district. While there is lack of specialists in this district, the government gives a transport to get people for consultations and analysis to Vilnius. Also it supports the club during World Diabetes Day events, supports educational camps for children and acquiring self-control tools.


The chief of Siauliai (Lithuania) diabetes club “Lemtis” Laima Mikaliuniene told about her experience of society education. A publications and internet page are prepared as well as visit cards, which help to induce more people and them to be interested in illness knowledge. Over 300 people are the members of this club at the moment. They can play tennis and pool, swim, and visit the theatre and cinema free. They have a discount for self-control meanss and HbAlc tests. The club uses free premises, where prophylactic blood glucose tests are conducted for the citizens of Siauliai. The members of the club conduct such tests during the visits to different companies. Thus companies support the activity of the club with a pleasant. Local government gives money for educational camps for children. Not only the members of the club participated in conferences and seminars. Most of them enter the activity of organization later. Siauliai club “Lemtis” co-operate with Latvia Jelgava diabetes club.


The participants of Conference actively discussed, shared their experience and invited each other to visit their arrangements.

The president of Cyprus Association for people with diabetes Dina Constantinides was pleased about activity results of Latvia and Lithuania diabetes organizations. She was touched by the case of Latvian children and youth diabetes Association, when children were sending postcards to Minister of Health asking to give a possibility to get a proper medical care. She promised to show this postcard to the members of her organization in order them to know how difficult is to get diagnostic strips for blood glucose control in other countries. Maybe Cyprus people will cherish things they get free of charge. There are cases when people have all conditions and still do not control their illness enough. Dina invites a few children from Lithuania and Latvia diabetes associations to participate in a cruise on a ship free. They should pay only for a trip to Cyprus. She was interested in opera “Diabetes” and wants to invite it to Cyprus as well.


The chief of Pasvalys (Lithuania) diabetes community “Sveikata” Vida Vegiene complained of difficulties attracting new members. Medics do not want help as well. She is happy that local government helps with a pleasant. The youth have an possibility to participate in LDA diabetes educational camps each year. Other arrangements are being supported as well. V.Vegiene is the member of the council funded at the local government. Urgent for different social organizations questions are discussed in this council.


The chief of Vilkaviskis (Lithuania) community “Insula” Juozas Janusaitis manages the club for 13 years. He is pleased with benevolent medics’ co-operation and the care of local government. There is over 600 people with diabetes in a district. 230 of them are the members of community.


The chief of Mariampole (Lithuania) club “Diabetikas ABC” and the Vice-president of LDA Genovaite Naidzinaviciene shared her experience in organizing educational seminars along with other districts’ clubs (Mariampole, Sakiai, Vilkaviskis, etc.)


The chief of Kaunas (Lithuania) club “Insula” Irena Railiene provided an information about the possibilities for clubs to find budget and supporters.


An information is prepared according to the material of reports during the Conference in Druskininkai (Lithuania).


Page 2

LDA Is the Member of International Diabetes Federation.

The information about LDA is provided. The usefulness of being the member of LDA is stressed. Attention, please, the working hours of LDA and the school of diabetes were changed.


Page 3

Diabetes is a challenge for Europe Union and it’s members

On the 5th of June, 2003, the conference “Diabetes is a challenge for Europe Union and it’s members” took place in the Health Ministry. The vice-president of IDF and the elect president of IDF Europe region Wim H. J. M. Wientjens took part in the conference as well as the President of LDA Vida Augustiniene. If we do not prevent epidemics, there will be 300 million people with diabetes after 25 years. To save ourselves from such chronic illnesses we must co-operate in an international manner. According to the new society health program of Europe Union, the tendencies of diabetes are going to be watched and analysed during 2003 - 2008 year.


Newspaper “Diabetes”

LDA reminds of subscribing “Diabetes” for the 4th quater of 2003 year.


Pages 4 - 7

The 4th Conference of Baltic States Diabetes Associations

“Together We Are Stronger”

(Continued from the page 1)


Pages 7 - 8

Speech of the Vice-president of International Diabetes Federation


I was very honoured to be present and to participate in your fourth Baltic DA Meeting (“Together We Are Stronger”) in Druskininkai, June 2003. As a person with more than 52 years diabetes I was very happy to meet your Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, Mr. Juozas Olekas, and to discuss with him the needs of people with diabetes.


The mission of the International Diabetes Federation is to work with our member associations to enhance the lives of people with diabetes. The amount of people with diabetes in the world is increasing tremendously. Almost 200 million persons are diagnosed now.


Diabetes is a very serious disease, but is good treatable and good manageable. Necessary therefore are access to treatment, quality of standards, education, providing information.


Having diabetes is really always balancing like the colibri, the humming-bird (the logo of IDF). With discipline, always fighting, never giving up, 24 hours a day.


Every person with diabetes must be enabled to play an active role in sharing responsibility for his/her care and his/her quality of life.

The targets of IDF are prevention of getting diabetes, prevention of getting diabetes complications and prevention of getting invalid effects of diabetes complications. It is great that in Lithuania a National Diabetes Program will start very soon.

IDF tries to reach these targets by raising awareness and by influencing top decision makers at national, at regional and at local level.


Think globally, but Act locally. Through the people living with diabetes, the healthcare professionals, the politicians, the administrators, the public in general.

In The Netherlands the Dutch Diabetes Association is very active. This member association of IDF is an association of patients and was founded in 1945. With its 55.000 members the Dutch Diabetes Association is the advocate for people with diabetes in The Netherlands.

The activities of the Dutch Diabetes Association varies :

from educational activities and courses for children, adolescents, parents, adults, elderly people to meetings with healthcare professionals, industries, politicians, decision makers, from a national action plan and guidelines to books, brochures, leaflets, website, videos and telephone lines (24 hours a day).

The topics of IDF Europe next years will be national diabetes programs, human and social rights, health care delivery, availability of resources, how to live with diabetes, role and development of associations, relationships with industry,

The real diabetes voice will be the voice of the healthcare professionals TOGETHER with the voice of the people with diabetes. Then we will be STRONGER.


Wim Wientjens


Page 8

Speech of the President of Cyprus Association For People with Diabetes Dina Constantinides


It is a great honour for me being with you all today, participating in this interesting meeting.

I know Vida Augustiniene, since 1986, when we first met in Stockholm also at a meeting about diabetes. We became friends since then, having the same enemy diabetes, and the same Direction of activities. All those years I am watching her, always an elegant figure, present in all the meetings of IDF, speaking, giving press conferences, advising, the same quiet but strong character, standing on the same line, fighting for the rights and a better life for the people with diabetes in her country. All around Europe she is a well known personality honouring her country, and the organization she represents.


The Cyprus Association for people with Diabetes established as a charity association on November 2000. Our mission is to help through all channels the people affected with diabetes to improve their lives, taking preventative measures to avoid diabetes complications, face the situation as a way of living or a vocation which to be learnt. Therefore it is of utmost importance that people with diabetes understand their condition so that they are able to treat themselves properly.

In cooperation with Endocrine Society of Cyprus, our scientific advisors, we are editing various leaflets with latest information and guidelines about diabetes. Organizing seminars with healthcare professionals always with the support of the Ministry of Health.

Also poor people would be able to find assistance and financial support in our association. A major project is the Educational summer camps for children with diabetes from eight to sixteen years old. For the year 2003 we are organizing the educational programs for nurses and hospital personnel.


We wish you all every success to your mission .Any other information we can share is a valuable experience for our people. For us expanding our relations with other organizations and associations is a way to communicate with the problem itself.


I am working voluntarily for the cause of diabetes since 1980, date that my younger daughter was diagnosed at the age of eight. In the island of Cyprus those days few people knew about this problem and I myself was one of them. After the first shock, together with my child we went to the United States of America to the Joslin Clinic were we learned lot information about the matter. Coming back I decided to share the experience with everybody interested. So I did it. Together with a group of friends, parents of children with diabetes, and people having diabetes themselves. We are trying to help and enhance the lives of people suffering from this serious problem. Visiting newly diagnosed kids, advising and helping parents to face the situation, supporting elder people with complications. We are fighting the discrimination itself especially for girls with type 1 diabetes. We have to persuade that the disease will not be transmitted to children, to prove that a woman with diabetes whose has learned to manage her condition plays an equally significant role in the society as any other person without diabetes.


My job is to manage a company dealing with Marine Equipment and Services fortunately owned by the family so I can spend several hours with the association. My husband Louis is helping a lot and he is patient when I am out of the house so many hours. For myself succeeding to have free diabetes supplies, (Insulin, pills, strips, medical exams, tests, et.) supplied by the government to all the people with diabetes despite their financial condition, are the reward of all those years of very hard work. Of course there is a lot more to be done but we can always working for the best. Very soon you will receive our newsletter “DIABETES NEWS” with more colorful information about the Association and the people working with me.

We have a son named Jean, who is married and has four wonderful children, and two daughters, Alexandra a hotel manager and Irena working with us in the family business.

I hope to see everybody in Cyprus soon and my colleagues of the Association committee are looking forward to meet you and give you a nice tour of the Island.


Thank you for inviting me to this Beautiful country and I am wishing you every success to your important meeting.

Thanks a lot.


Page 9

The experience of Children’s and Adolescent Diabetes Association of Latvia (CADAL)

As the new Parliament in Latvia was elected in 2002 and Health ministers were changed constantly during that period, the changes in life of people with diabetes and all other people were great. Health reform deteriorated people with diabetes maintenance with illness control tools. Till the 1st December, 2002, the State compensated 150 diagnostic sticks per month for children by 100 %. Children could check their blood 4 or 5 times per day. Now the State compensates only 50 % of this amount. Only insulin and glucagon is compensated for children by 100 % at the moment.


The mission of CADAL is to seek for proper and in time medical care for children with diabetes. That’s way the Association made an appeal to Health Minister with a please not to deteriorate the situation. Unfortunately the Minister made no attention. During the March and April, 2003, the action “I want to be healthy” was organized. All children with diabetes together with parents and friends send approximately 2000 post cards to Health Minister with a request to let children grow healthy.


Page 10

10-year jubilee of Rokiskis Diabetes Club

The former chairwoman of the club Alfonsa Kondraskiene reminded to participants of the festival about the first hard years of club activity. The chief of the club Regina Minkeviciene reported about works done and thanked to those who helped. Countryside orchestra “We together” from Kelme Diabetes Club entertained the participants of festival.


Traditional weekend trip

During 13 - 15 June, the members of Vilnius children and youths’ diabetes club “Diabite plius” rested together in the camp near the lake Bebrusai. Those with diabetes a long period really have something to say those who are new one. We are thankful to our supporters for a possibility to have a good time.


Page 11

In a Diabetes Club “Lemtis”

Siauliai diabetes club “Lemtis” invited dr. Aurimas Sirvinskas who delivered a lecture about the control of HbAlc. The president of LDA Vida Augustiniene was impressed about the activity of this club. The chief of the club Laima Mikaliuniene invited all people with diabetes to participate in the activity of club.


Our hope

The member of Plunge diabetes club is thankful to a nurse Aldona Danyliene who cares and educates people with diabetes in Plunge a long period of time. A hope to live healthy was renewed by the news about I. Klisoniene clinic “Inesa”, were diabetes education room is going to be opened.


An advertisement of selfcontrol tool “Gluco Care” by AB “Limeta”


Page 12

Jubilee of “Vita”

The members of Pakruojis diabetes club “Vita” celebrated their 10-year jubilee on June. The club “Vita” is very active one. Unfortunately, they lack diabetes educator who would consult them about medicine news. The members of club are thankful for support to local government and different enterprises. During the festival people with the biggest merits for the club were congratulated.


Fit centre “Praskovja”

Laureate of Russian popular medicine Praskovja Jakovlevna Losevskaja found a new way of healing while saving her husband from feet amputation. Specific mixes of ecological herbs are used for healing. Even those patients with no hope according to doctors are saved using this method. Those who are interested, more information can get by telephone (8-5) 2302778.


Page 13

Advertisement of self control device “Super Glucocard II” by Interlux


Armlet for identification

Information, how to get such armlet is provided. The chiefs of clubs are invited to inform the members of clubs about such possibility.


Pages 14 - 16

Vitamins and mineral substances

All necessary vitamins and mineral substances are presented and information about the consequences of their lack is provided. An article is prepared by Dr. Egle Rudinskiene.


Page 17

Do you know?

Prepared by Janina Dainaraviciene according foreign press.

Some conclusions from the contemporary researches:

Sleeping longer means shorter life;

Food supplements diminish death rate of elderly patients;

Persons’ disorders are raised by lack minerals and vitamins.


Advertisement of sugar substitute Canderel by Oriola Vilnius.


Page 18

Chronicle of the Lithuanian Diabetes Association

·         On 6 May, 2003, Kelme Diabetes Club organized a conference “Prevention of diabetes and its’ complications” for the society. KMU Prof. J.Danilevicius, doctor endocrinologist V.Dargis, a consultant of Abbott Medisense Laima Kaulakiene and the President of LDA Vida Augustiniene made reports. A supporter of event was local government of Kelme.

·         On 12 May V.Augustiniene delivered a report “Patient’s position in his rights and obligations” in a conference “Nurse and patient: reciprocal responsibility” organized by Kaunas Medical University.

·         During 13 - 14 May the chief of LDA shared her practical knowledge about diet for people with diabetes with students of Vilnius Colleague Health Care Faculty.

·         On 17 May Siauliai Diabetes club “Lemtis” initiated a conference on the topic of diabetes. People got some news about an importance of illness control, healing innovations and activity of diabetes organizations. Representatives of Abovita (L.Kaulakiene) and Diagnosta (A.Sirvinskas), chiefs of Siauliai and Pakruojis Diabetes Clubs shared their knowledge with inhabitants of Siauliai.

·         On 20 May V.Augustiniene met Lithuania Prime Minister Consultant V.Nauduzas and discussed the possibilities for LDA to participate in the health projects supported by EU.

·         On 22 May the President of LDA took part in Health ministry where “Protocol of patients’ rights for compensating health harm” was discussed.

·         On 24 May V.Augustiniene took part in the Raseiniai Diabetes Club 10-year jubilee.

·         On 27 May the possibilities of co-operation with representatives of Pliva were discussed in Lithuanian Diabetes Association.

·         On 5 June LDA organized a conference “Diabetes is a challenge for Europe Union and it’s members” in Health ministry. The president of LDA Vida Augustiniene and the vice-president of IDF, the elect president of IDF Europe region and the president of Dutch Diabetes Association Wim H. J. M. Wientjens made reports.

  • During 6 - 7 June the 4th Conference of Baltic States Diabetes Associations “Together We Are Stronger” took place in Druskininkai. The president of Cyprus Association For People With Diabetes Dina Constantinides, the vice-president of IDF Wim H. J. M. Wientjens, Health Minister of Republic of Lithuania Juozas Olekas, and delegations of Latvian Diabetes Federation, Latvian Diabetes Association and Lithuanian Diabetes Association took part in it. The main sponsor of the event was representative of Abbott Medisense Abovita. Other supporters were Aventis Pharma International S.A., Deva, Alvas ir Ko, Eksmos MTC, GlaxoSmithKline, Ruta, Dainava, Worwag Pharma GmbH&Co.KG and participants of the event.
  • On 9 June V.Augustiniene made a report about urgent questions of diabetes on Lithuanian TV II news broadcast.
  • On 10 June the meeting of Council of Obligatory Health Insurance took part. The President of LDA is the member of the Council. A number of questions were discussed: requisitions and basic prices for pain healing services; basic prices for children and youths early rehabilitation and psychiatric services; special requisitions for infectological services; centralized buying of iron substances; methodology of diagnosis and out-patient healing of Hipopituitarism and Turner syndromes, compensated by Fond of Obligatory Health Insurance; analysis of medicine request, built on epidemiological indexes; the signing of agreements due to stationary services; changes and additions in a list of illnesses and compensated medicine; requisitions, basic prices and order of payment for acute necrosis pancreatic illness healing services.
  • On 17 June Pakruojis diabetes club “Vita” celebrated its’ 10-year jubilee. The President of LDA, people with diabetes, representatives of Siauliai Diabetes Club “Lemtis”, Abbott Medisense, Eli Lilly, local government, medical institutions and social organizations took part in the event. The main sponsor was local government.
  • On 17 June a discussion “Diabetes education program for volunteer, not professional of medical care” took place in Health Ministry. V.Augustiniene, J.Uleckiene, Prof. A.Norkus, Dr. A.Palinauskas, specialists of Health Ministry and employment market took part in it. Doc. E.Janulionyte prepared a program. The President of LDA publicly expressed her opinion about diabetes control norms propagated by dr. E.Janulionyte and incompatible with WHO and Lithuanian diabetes diagnosis and healing methods. The project of program was rejected. The services of qualified nurses’ dialectologists were offered to be payed as an official staff.
  • On 19 June a 2002 report of National Health Council was delivered during the meeting of Seimas (Parliament) of Republic of Lithuania. The president of LDA and the chief of Lithuanian Patients’ Organizations Council V.Augustiniene took part in it.
  • During 22 June - 1 July the first youths’ diabetes teaching camp this year took place in Veisiejai, Vytautas Zukauskas farm tourism centre. The chief of Druskininkai diabetes club “Atgaja” and the member of LDA council J.Simoniene was the chief of the camp. doctor endocrinologist M.Valiuniene from children’s hospital in Siauliai and the chief of Skuodas diabetes club V.Dauginis helped to organize the camp. The main sponsor was Council for the Affairs of Disabled at the Government of Lithuania. Other supporters were Abovita, Eksmos MTC, Interlux, Limeta, Deva, Siauliai children’s hospital, LDA, Druskininkai, Kaisiadorys, Skuodas diabetes clubs, Mr. V.Zukauskas, parents of children from Vilnius, etc.
  • On 2 July Health Minister Juozas Olekas invited representatives of doctors and patients’ organizations to discuss on appeal to talk about changes in stationery services finansation from 1 July. V.Augustiniene represented patients’ interests.
  • On 10 July the meeting of Council of Obligatory Health Insurance took place in State Patients’ Fund. Schedule of health care institutions’ reform, methodical recommendations for local medical care institutions reforms, order of payment for stationery services were discussed.
  • On 12 July V.Augustiniene took part in the conference “IDF-Europe Communications Meeting”. The event took place in Zagreb, Croatia. Organizers supported a trip.
  • On 13 July the chief of committee for supporting Lithuanian children with diabetes Mrs. Lilly Karn and representatives of Viesbaden Diabetes club “Lion” visited Vilnius.
  • During 15 - 24 July International Youths’ diabetes educational camp was organized in Druskininkai Dainava. The chief of Druskininkai diabetes club “Atgaja” and the member of LDA council J.Simoniene was the chief of the camp. Dr. V.Zupkauskiene, Dr. E.Jakimaviciene, and the member of Pasvalys diabetes club “Sveikata” M.Briedis, T.Kaulakys from Vilnius helped to organize the camp. 30 children and youths with diabetes rested in the camp. 2 of them came from Latvia. The main sponsor was the Council for the Affairs of Disabled at the Government of Lithuania. Other supporters were State Council of Youths, Abovita, Eksmos MTC, Interlux, Limeta, Deva, Dainava, LDA, Druskininkai, Pasvalys, Radviliskis, Sakiai, Taurage, Visaginas diabetes clubs, parents of children Vilnius, etc. Quests from Germany presented to all campers diagnostic sticks, free-sugar sweets, and experience about children with diabetes care in Germany.
  • On 25 July delegation from Pasvalys diabetes club “Sveikata” visited LDA.
  • On 2 August about 100 people from Taurage, Plunge and Jonava diabetes organizations met near the lake Plateliai.
  • On 5 August V.Augustiniene discussed with Health Minister Juozas Olekas on prices for compensated medicine.
  • During 8 - 12 August Diabetes educational camp for people with diabetes type 2 took part in Vilnius sanatorium “Pusyno kelias”. It was the first such camp in LDA history. The chief of camp was chief of the Lithuanian Society of Nurses-Diabetes-educators J.Uleckiene. Dr. E.Rudinskiene and nurse diabetes educator A. Danyliene helped her. 15 people with diabetes type 2 took part in the camp. Participants from 26 diabetes clubs were elected by chance. The main sponsor was the Council for the Affairs of Disabled at the Government of Lithuania . Other supporters were Abovita, Eksmos MTC, LDA, Lithuanian Society of Nurses-Diabetes-educators, etc
  • During 16 - 25 August children and Youths’ diabetes educational camp is going to take place in Plateliai, hotel “Saltinelis”. Nurse-Diabetes-Educator A.Danyliene is going to be chief in this camp together with doctor endocrinologist G.Apanel from Vilnius and nurse K. Stropute from Klaipeda, 22 persons with diabetes is going to have rest in this camp.
  • During 21 - 23 August a conference of International Committee of Diabetes Magazines is going to take place in France. V.Augustiniene is going to represent LDA.
  • During 24 - 29 August the 18th congress of IDF is going to take place in France. 3 delegates from LDA are invited with the voice right.
  • During 26 - 27 August the conference for chiefs of LDA collective members is planed to organize.
  • On 10 October conference of Lithuanian Society of Nurses-Diabetes-educators “Education and problems of people with diabetes” is going to take place in Antakalnis clinics. People with diabetes are invited.
  • 14 November is World Diabetes Day. Topic of 2003 year is “Diabetes Could Cost You Your Kidneys”.

Page 19

An advertisement on insulin pen “HumaPen” by Eli Lilly.


Page 20

Chronicle of the Lithuanian Diabetes Association

(Continued from page 18)


Children knowledge was improved

In Veisiejai V.Zukauskas farm tourism centre 12 children and youths were rested this year. They were studying to control their illness along with rest. Participant of the camp checked their blood glucose 4 times per day at least. According to questionnaires before and after camp, all participants improved their knowledge about illness about 10 %.


Page 21

Advertisement of self control device “Accu-Chek Active” by Roche Diagnostics.


Beautiful days in a farm

J.Simoniene shares her good impressions about camp in Veisiejai. She is thankful to all supporters and helpers. In the camps we help our youths to understand how to control illness instead of allowing illness to control us.


Page 22

Family clinic “Inesa”

The members of Plunge diabetes club were visiting a new family clinic called “Inesa”. Diabetes school funded at the clinic unites people with diabetes and doctors. People with diabetes need feet care as well. Such care room is planed in the future. Thanks to all people who organized an opening festival of diabetes school.


Water, kidneys and health

Information about kidney functions and water use prepared by Dr. Egle Rudinskiene is provided.


Page 23

Advertisement of vitamins “Diabetiker - Vitamine” by Worwag Pharma GmbH&Co.KG


Water, kidneys and health

(continued from page 22)


Page 24

Vitamins and mineral substances

(continued from page 16)


Pages 25 - 27

Diabetes education

Factors for diabetes control are provided by Dr. Egle Rudinskiene.

LDA diabetes school

Patients get knowledge about diabetes in a diabetes school. Unfortunately such schools work not everywhere. There is diabetes school initiated by LDA at the moment. Doctor endocrinologist offers consultations in it. People can get consultations on medical, self control, physical activity and social questions.

Lectures are delivered, seminars and studies on diabetes control and care questions are organized in diabetes clubs. Urgent articles for people with diabetes are publicished in health press. Knowledge people acquire helps them to control illness better, prevent complications and live longer and more valuable.


Page 25

Advertisement on insulin pump “Dana Diabecare” by Abovita.


Page 27

Advertisement on insulin pen FlexPen by Novo Nordisk.


Page 28

Advertisement on medicine “Mezym” by Berlin-Chemie Menarini Baltic.


Advertisement on self-control devices by MediSense.


Main plans from Chronicle of the Lithuanian Diabetes Association are provided.